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Self Leadership

Be Responsible, Be Motivated, Take Control

(23 calificaciones)
21m 15s
Idioma:  English
Self leadership is the idea that you are responsible for your own life, and need to control it. We will explore what self-leadership means and the benefits of being a leader in one’s life.
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Self-leadership is a skill that can help anyone take more control of their lives and improve their quality of life. Individuals must be aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and know when to make personal growth or improvement. Of course, it will require discipline and dedication, but these skills will become part of who we are as people, which will ultimately lead us forward. Listen to Kim-Adele Randall & Nathaniel Schooler discuss how they manage themselves.

Sobre los Autores

Kim-Adele Randall


Nat Schooler