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Mqondisi Bhebhe
  • Land: South Africa
  • Número de títulos: 4

Mqondisi Bhebhe is an academic, a Management graduate and publishing author in various disciplines, but with more emphasis on Academic Writing skills and Business/Economics areas. He has been, and is still, teaching at tertiary level and enjoys sharing knowledge and experience with readers from all over the world. This is the second of the 5 coming editions of the Ďsimplifiedí series, with the first one already published being the Human Resource Management Solutions Textbook and a few other projects on the pipeline, all aiming to make studying easier for you. This guide is not intended to replace/supersede any existing academic writing guides as preferred by individual institutions but it will certainly give you all the basic understanding on what is required in many academic assignments. Please enjoy this work and look out for the other volumes to hit your shelves soon. Happy studying!

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